50 Moves Magazine

Updated May 22nd, 2016

The following message is from the founders of an exciting new Australian chess magazine 50 Moves

 There is so much happening in Australian chess right now, and the future is also looking bright with Australia ready to send it’s youngest-ever team to an Olympiad, in Tromso next month. For the first time since the 1980s, Australia’s top players are travelling overseas regularly to compete; so much so that it is hard to keep track of them all!

50 Moves Magazine is launching this month to provide a definitive guide on everything happening in and around Australian chess.

The first issue is a bumper Olympiad special and will be released on August 1. We chat to Justin Tan from his new home in England, where he narrowly missed his first Grandmaster norm. We relay the thoughts of Olympic team members David Smerdon, Giang Nguyen and Captain Manuel Weeks on the upcoming Olympiad. Ian Rogers covers the tactical moments which decided the World Rapid and Blitz Championships in Dubai, Max Illingworth gives us the rundown on the Ragozin Variation, and there’s much, much more.

For information, check out our website www.50movesmagazine.com, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook (50 Moves Magazine) and follow us on Twitter @50movesmagazine! Subscribe today!

 issue1 cover


Sample positions from the first issue

Mamedyarov – Polgar (Dubai, 2014)

Mamedyarov - Polgar (small)

Pervakov (1987)

O. Pervakov 1987 (small)