8th South Australian Junior Championship 1952

Updated May 27th, 2019

Final Standings:

1–2. HORTOVANYI Joseph, (6.5/7) LIDUMS Aivars 3. SINCLAIR-WOODS R. (5) 4–5. KELSON B., GIBBS G. (4) 6–7. MEIJA J., (3.5) TAYLOR W. 8. BAILS I. (2.5) 9–10. MARRIOTT K., (2) ELLARD L. 11. COLQUHOUN HORTOVANYI defeated LIDUMS in the play-off. A. J. 1. COLQUHOUN withdrew after the first round. The tournament was 7 rounds.

SOURCE: John Van Manen: The Records of Australian Chess, vol. 3