Checkmate Weekender 2018

Updated July 6th, 2018

A Massive weekend in SA Chess!
2018 Checkmate Open – $3000 in prizes!

Registered players include:
IM Trevor Tao

Please note that GM Max Illingworth has had to withdraw from the event.

Sponsored by:

Ceylon Sapphires Australia


When: 7.00pm Friday 6th and 9.00am Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th of July
Venue: The Chess Centre of South Australia,
10 Ranelagh Street, Adelaide.
Entry Fee: $80 Adult and $60 for Pensioners, Unemployed and Students if entry

received before 11pm, Thursday 5th of July. Late Entry +$10.
Format: Six rounds, Swiss system. FIDE Rated, open to all players.
Time Control: Fischer – 90 minutes + 30 seconds
Round Times:
Friday: 7.00 PM
Saturday: 9.00 AM, 1:30 PM, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM, 1:30 PM
Players may request up to ONE half point bye in rounds
1 – 5 before the start of the tournament.
1st: $1000
2nd: $700
3rd: $400
Rating Performance: $300
1x Rating category: $300
Top Junior: $300
Contact: Enquiries and entries to

Entries will be accepted at the door up to 15 minutes before the start time, or by emailing with your details.

Checkmate Challengers (U1600)

When: From 9.00am Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th of July
Venue: The Chess Centre of South Australia,
10 Ranelagh Street, Adelaide.
Entry Fee: $50 Adult and $40 for Pensioners, Unemployed and Students if entry

received before 11pm, Thursday 5th of July. Late Entry +$10.
Format: Six rounds, Swiss system. ACF Rated.
Eligibility: Open to all players rated below 1600 on the latest ACF rating list.
Time Control: Fischer – 60 minutes + 10 seconds
1st: $400 + Trophy
2nd: $200
3rd: $100
Rating Performance: $100
Top Junior Boy/Girl: $80 each
Top Unrated Boy/Girl: $80 each
Round Times:
Saturday: 9.30 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM
Sunday: 9.00 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM
Players may request up to ONE half point bye in rounds
1 – 5 before the start of the tournament.
Contact: Enquiries and entries to

Entries will be accepted at the door up to 15 minutes before the start time, or by emailing with your details.