Interclub Teams Tournament 2023

Updated April 19th, 2023

When: 6:45 for 7:00pm start on consecutive Tuesdays, from 18th of April until the 27th of June, 2023
Venue: The Chess Centre of South Australia,
10 Ranelagh Street, Adelaide.
Entry Fee: $12 a night, $10 concession (Seniors, Students, Unemployed).
This tournament is open to all players.
Teams are expected to field players for all boards every round. Teams are highly encouraged to have reserves.
Format: 11 round ACF-rated teams competition.
4 players per team, Swiss Draw or Round Robin.
Time Control: Fischer – 60 Minutes + 30 Seconds a move
Grade Restrictions A-Grade: None
B-Grade: Under 1600 ACF
C-Grade: Under 1000 ACF

C-Grade will only occur if enough interest.

All players are encouraged to read the rules document below.